- Last Updated on Thursday, 11 August 2022 20:22
The Belle Vernon Rotary Club recently celebrated the installation of new President Brian Prilla at a festive picnic event at Cedar Creek Park.
The Belle Vernon Rotary Club recently celebrated the installation of new President Brian Prilla at a festive picnic event at Cedar Creek Park.
Bethel Fife and Drum Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution honored four area students with the DAR Good Citizen Award this spring.
Read more...The Whitehall Public Library will be offering programs for the community in June. These programs are
FREE - but registration required by calling 412-882-6622 or www.whitehallpubliclibrary.org
Belle Vernon Public Library will kick off the children's summer programs at North Belle Vernon's Community Bank Park with the ‘Oceans of Possibilities’ Magic Show featuring magician Steve Haberman on Wednesday, June 29 at 11:00AM. Children should bring a towel, cushion or folding chair to sit on. The park is located on Graham Street. For more information call the library at 724-929-6642.
Read more...The 2nd Annual RJ Sokol Memorial Golf Outing will be held this year on Saturday, August 20th. The outing will take place at the Madison Club and will start at 8:00AM sharp. Registration will begin at 7:00AM with coffee and donuts. This year the profits from the outing will all go to support the Mantle House which is located in West Newton, is a 501 c 3 organization and all donations are tax deductible.