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25th Anniversary Cookie Table Event in Jefferson ... -- "Looking for some special treats to celebrate Easter, a family get together, or ..." -- 28 February 2025
Easter ‘Eggstravaganza’ April 12 at Crossroads ... -- "Crossroads Ministries will be holding their annual Easter ..." -- 28 February 2025
Whitehall Green Thumbers Garden Club to Meet -- "The first meeting of the Whitehall Green Thumbers Garden Club in 2025 will be ..." -- 28 February 2025
SAVE THE DATE! -- "Friends of the South Park Township Library Spring Book Sale – April 24-26" -- 28 February 2025
Pymatuning Fishing Cottage Getaway Raffle -- "Support Friends of the South Park Township Library!" -- 28 February 2025
Applications Open for Valley Garden Club ... -- "The Valley Garden Club, for the fourteenth year, will be awarding a scholarship ..." -- 28 February 2025
Community Flea Markets in Monessen Planned for ... -- "Monessen Community Flea Markets are planned for the following Saturdays in ..." -- 28 February 2025
California United Methodist Holds Free Community ... -- "On Wednesday, March 5, come in from the cold and join us for our free monthly ..." -- 28 February 2025
Covered Dish Dinner and Real Estate Presentation ... -- "The Saints Joachim and Anne Catholic Parish - Elizabeth/Glassport/Liberty Boro ..." -- 28 February 2025
Treasure Hunter and Shipwreck Discoverer, Topic ... -- "Peters Creek Historical Society welcomes Mike Drabick as its guest speaker on ..." -- 28 February 2025

Mark your calendar now to attend the annual Rotary Club of Bethel Park Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, October 8, 2022.  Eat-In dinners are available from 1:00pm to 6:00pm and Drive-Thru from 12:00pm to 6:00pm at the Bethel Park Community Center, located at 5151 Park Ave. in Bethel Park.


Bethesda United Presbyterian Church in Elizabeth Boro, is holding their Advance Order Apple Dumpling Sale.  The apple dumplings are $4.50 each and may be picked up on Saturday, October 29 from 12 noon until 2:00 p.m. at the Church.


Dear Editor;

A recent poll conducted by WPA Intelligence, August 22-25 found that nearly 1 in 4 Democrat voters believe men can get pregnant!  Yes.  Almost 25% of Democrats think men can have babies!  These are the people who want to lead our country and direct the future for us and our children.  These are the same Democrats that support cross-dressing, drag queens at children’s story time at our taxpayer funded libraries and schools.  Democrats are pushing the progressive, woke ideology that it’s acceptable for biological men who “identify” as female to use the same girl’s restroom with your 12 year old daughter, and compete on women’s sports teams.  Even the new liberal Supreme Court Justice could not even dare try and define what a woman was!   Who are these people?   Did our country just lose all common sense and decency?  Does biology, genetics, science or human nature still exist?

Democrats are the ones who want open borders – allowing drug traffickers, gang members, and terrorists to enter the country illegally.  Democrats are the ones fighting to defund the police, and reduce prison populations for criminals!  Democrats are the ones pushing to teach Critical Race Theory in our schools – telling our children that if they have white skin, they are oppressors, and if you have black skin, you are a hopelessly oppressed victim.  This is what today’s Democrats represent.

Today’s Democrat party is not the old party of JFK.  It’s the new party of AOC.  It’s the party of a socialist, communist agenda.   The ‘Green New Deal’ that wants to get rid of all cars and airplanes, and replace ALL Buildings!  What?  Today’s Democrats want ALL of the power with the government.  Today’s Democrats don’t want capitalism or freedom – they want socialism.  They want to control and punish success, and dictate how businesses operate and how we live our lives.  It’s the Democrat politicians who pushed mask mandates, and vaccine mandates, which eventually led to people losing their jobs.  It was the Democrats who required our kids to wear masks all day at school.  It was the liberal, Democrat funded teachers unions who locked down the schools and refused to return to in-person classes – further setting our kids back.   It was the Democrat run states and Democrat led congress that shut down the country and forced small businesses to close during COVID.   Remember all of those small businesses and restaurants that you once liked to go to that are now gone – never to open again?  Thank the Democrats.   High gas prices?  Your 401K Retirement savings gone?  Inflation? High crime rate?  Stores closed or long lines at the store or restaurant because nobody wants to work – thanks to the free government checks?  Democrats, Democrats, Democrats.

If you are a traditional, old-fashioned, JFK Democrat, you must be cringing at what you see right now.  If you are an independent voter – there is no way you can vote to continue down this absurd, social justice, woke ideology where right is now wrong, men are now women, and criminals are honored with statues and police departments are defunded.    There’s only one solution this November.  Vote Republican – Up and Down the ballot!  Even if you don’t typically support Republican policies – now’s the time to show Democrats they have gone too far.  God Bless America!


Chris Jones – Washington, PA

St Sebastian is inviting the public to attend their upcoming festival on Sunday, September 18 from 12:00 noon – 7:00PM.  


Attention all US Steel SOAR members of Chapter 15-7 who normally meet at the Local 2227 United Steelworkers Union Hall located at 1301 Philip Murray Rd., West Mifflin, on the first Tuesday of each month.  Our next meeting will be held on September 6, and will begin at 1 o’clock sharp. 



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