- Last Updated on Saturday, 02 July 2016 17:51
Monongahela Farmers' Market is off to a great start. Don't forget to come out to the market every Friday from 3-6 p.m. to buy from your local farmers and vendors.
The produce is fresh and good, and some farmers have plants and flowers, too. We are expecting a couple new vendors throughout the season, so check out our Monongahela Farmers Market Facebook page to see when they will be here. Sometimes the vendors have other commitments during the summer, so they may not be here on a Friday that you are.
Our local musicians are providing great music throughout the season, almost weekly this season. We have Monongahela Valley Hospital with a table this year, and they are giving out nutritional facts, recipes and samples on how to cook with the local produce. The Lions Club is selling their famous brooms and garbage bags and, as always, collecting those glasses that you no longer need.
We want to thank our sponsors: The Big Fish Contracting Co, Chaney's Natural, and Monongahela Valley Hospital. Our 'Friends of the Market' sponsors are : Ashcraft Storage, From the Top Music Shop, Italian Village Pizza, Lenzi Service Station, MarBill Diamonds & Jewelry, and Monongahela Animal Hospital. Without these fantastic sponsors we wouldn't be able to advertise or give back to our community. Thank you for making it one of the best seasons yet.
July 1, we will have another kids event at the market, so bring your children along!
If anyone is interested in being a vendor please let us know - email chaneysadmin@gmail.com or call us at 724-328-2834.