- Last Updated on Saturday, 28 May 2016 19:30
The greatr Monessen Historical Society announces the following events.
Day of Giving Updates
The Greater Monessen Historical Society wishes to thank everyone who participated in the annual Day of Giving for Westmoreland County sponsored by the Community Foundation on May 3, 2016. Due to unforeseen problems with the contractor hired to coordinate the event, the system malfunctioned and many were unable to donate. The event was suspended later in the day. The Community Foundation will reschedule it at a later date.
“Old Monessen” Exhibit
The “Old Monessen” exhibit is available for viewing at the Monessen Heritage Museum on Wednesdays through Saturdays from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. or by special appointment. The photographs and items showcase early Monessen history from 1897 to 1950.
Visit Us Online!
The webpage has been updated: http://monessenhistoricalsociety.com/ . Keep abreast of events and see photos of previous ones. Also, check us out on Facebook under “Greater Monessen Historical Society.”
Annual Founders Day Celebration
The annual Founders Day celebration will be a two-day event held on August 13-14, 2016 at Monessen City Park. There will be Civil War re-enactors, food booths, children’s activities, entertainment and wine tasting. Mark your calendars.
Roaring Twenties Banquet
Reserve your tickets for the Roaring Twenties Banquet to be held on Saturday, September 17, 2016 at Jozwiak Hall, in the St. Vincent DePaul Society building on Grand Boulevard. The dinner will commemorate the 95th anniversary of Monessen changing from a borough to a third class city in 1921. Call 724-684-8460 to order tickets. Historic dress is encouraged. Tickets are $30.
Up and Coming…
GMHS is searching for photos of the Washington and Linden Elementary Schools. Photos can be brought to the Heritage Museum for scanning, or scans can be emailed to monessen@verizon.net .
The summer exhibit at the Heritage Museum will focus on the five former ethnic Roman Catholic parishes that were located in Monessen. Anyone having photos to share, please bring them to the Museum or email scans.