- Last Updated on Sunday, 28 February 2016 01:42
The Charleroi Volunteer Fire Department held their Annual Installation Banquet on January 8, 2016 at the fire company social hall.
Members of the Charleroi VFD |
During the evening, the 2016 fire department officers were sworn into office by magistrate Larry Hopkins, a donation was presented to the fire department by Olga Woodward, and State Fire Commissioner Timothy Solobay was a guest speaker.
Also during the evening, Terry Younkin was presented with a 20-year service pin and Glenn Haukedahl was presented with a 25-year service pin and also was awarded the "Firefighter of the Year" for year 2015.
Pictured are (l-r): Glenn Shipley, vice president of the fire department; Terry Younkin; Glenn Haukedahl; and Mike Roberts Sr., secretary of the fire department. Photo Credit: Wayne E. Ray