- Last Updated on Saturday, 29 August 2015 01:54
By Alice Harris
The Elizabeth area is honoring its veterans with a military banner program to salute past and current military men and women. These 24” x 36” banners will be displayed between Memorial Day and Veterans Day in the Elizabeth area.
Elizabeth Military Banners |
In addition to this banner, which will be displayed by the boroughs, the participants will receive two 12” x 18” banners for personal display, a bracket to hold the banners, and mounting hardware to hang the banner on a telephone pole.
There is only a one-time fee to join and a good quality military photograph will be needed. Areas included are Elizabeth Borough, West Elizabeth, and Elizabeth Township (including Greenock, Boston, Industry, Victory, Blythesdale, Forward, Bunola, Buena Vista, Blaine Hill, Mount Vernon, and Central).
To find out more about the program or to register, visit www.troopbanners.com/ElizabethArea/ or phone Rick Elster at 412-759-4919. Personal banners should be received within 45 days of submission. To date, the program has been very well received with excellent participation.