- Last Updated on Saturday, 29 August 2015 01:46
Since 1999, when The Coyle closed its doors after a running of Titanic, The Coyle has sat waiting for its opportunity to be put back to use for Charleroi, the mid-Mon Valley and Washington County.
Coyle Theater |
Coyle volunteer “Friendlies” have been hard at work to make a difference to save this still-intact historical theatre, circa 1891, and put it back to work to provide a variety of historical, cultural and entertainment venues.
The President of The Friends of the Coyle (FOTC) is retired Lutheran pastor Kenneth Thompson, and he and the band of volunteers put their talents and labors to work for the community at large.
The owners and the volunteers want to whole-heartedly thank all who have showed support for the project: “It’s always good to hear positive advocacy and supportive words for everything we are trying to do in helping The Coyle, Charleroi and the mid-Mon Valley area, and when we’re working – we hear a lot!”
The owners of the theatre work with The FOTC and The Mid Mon Valley Cultural Trust, which has been operating under a fresh administrative Board of Directors.
The Washington County History & Landmarks status was awarded to this historic Art Deco fronted theatre in April of 2015.
Efforts to clean, deconstruct, and rehabilitate will continue with volunteers while other ways and means for the project are looked into for greater steps forward, for both the exterior during fair weather, and for the interior in the future.