- Last Updated on Friday, 28 February 2025 15:04
25th Anniversary Cookie Table Event in Jefferson Hills
Looking for some special treats to celebrate Easter, a family get together, or the coming of spring this year? If so, you don’t want to miss out on the West Jefferson Hills Historical Society's Cookie Table event on Saturday, April 12, from 12:00 noon - 3:00 P.M. at the Jefferson Hills Municipal Building.
Twenty-five years ago, the West Jefferson Hills Historical Society was formed. As the first of many activities celebrating the organization’s Silver Anniversary this year, a Cookie Table fundraiser will be held. Like the Pittsburgh tradition of Wedding Cookie Tables, all the homemade cookies at this 25th Anniversary Cookie Table are cookie table worthy.
Sweeten your support for the West Jefferson Hills Historical Society! Eighteen different cookie varieties, commonly found at celebration cookie tables, will be offered.
Cookies are sold in bags of 4 for $5 or a dozen for $14. A Sampler box of all eighteen cookies will be available for $20. Sampler and single-flavor dozen boxes must be ordered and pre-paid by April 1 and will not be available for sale on April 12. Fill-your-own dozen boxes and bags of 4 cookies may be purchased on the day of the event. Pre-orders are recommended to ensure availability of your cookie choices.
The Anniversary Cookie Table will be held in the Community Rooms of the Jefferson Hills Municipal Building, 925 Old Clairton Road, Jefferson Hills, PA. Cookie order forms are available at the Jefferson Hills Library, Pleasant Hills Library, at the February and March WJHHS monthly programs or at www.westjeffersonhillshistoricalsociety.org. Orders may be placed online at the website. Cookies must be picked up between 12:00 noon and 3:00 P.M. on Saturday, April 12 at the Jefferson Hills Borough Building.
Proceeds from the event will help to manage and care for local cultural materials in the WJHHS Archive.
For more information, please call (412) 650-0925 or visit www.westjeffersonhillshistoricalsociety.org.