- Last Updated on Saturday, 30 June 2018 14:30
The Rostraver Township Lions Club is collecting plastics for recycling. Drop off locations are at St. Anne’s Church, Rostraver Township Municipal Building, and the Rostraver Public Library.
Rostraver Recycling Plastic Bags |
Your plastic bags and wraps then become Earth-friendly composite benches. Recycle your clean, dry, empty plastics bags, and film packaging. It takes about 500 pounds (about 40,500 plastic bags) of plastic refuse to make one bench.
Plastics to collect must be clean, dry and free of food:
- Pellet Bags
- Produce Bags
- Bread Bags
- Newspaper Sleeves
- Grocery Bags
- Product Wrap
- Cereal Liners
- Dry Cleaning Bags
- Case OverwrapIce Bags
- Salt Bags
- Packaging Air Pillows
- Food Storage Bags