- Last Updated on Sunday, 29 April 2018 02:18
The seventh annual golf outing held by the Friends of South Park, the County Park will take place on Saturday, May 19, 2018 at the South Park Golf Course.
The price of 18 holes of golf, cart, lunch and beer/beverage at turn, a full catered dinner and many skill and door prizes is still only $80 per golfer!
Guests may join the golfers at the dinner for $30 per person. The dinner will be held at the Spreading Oak Building on East Park Drive.
The outing is a scramble with the first tee time at 9 a.m. The foursome with the lowest score will play for free next year! Your business can be advertised at each hole or green for $100 and a sign will be placed at your designated hole or green. Advertising will also be in our program!
Pay pal is up and running if you wish to donate or pay for your golf on our website at www.southparkfriends.org or on Facebook at Friends of South Park-Allegheny County Parks.
Donations are always appreciated!
All proceeds go towards the beautification of South Park!
Deadline to register is May 4, 2018. Please contact Sharon Adams at 412 897-2403 or sadams6528@verizon.net for more information or Butch Adams at cradamsjr@verizon.net to set up your preferred tee times.