- Last Updated on Saturday, 28 April 2018 23:44
The Saturday before Memorial Day, May 26, the Curry Veterans of Foreign War Post 1940 is going to have a rededication ceremony of the Veterans Honor Roll on Cochran Mill Run Road.
There will be a parade from the Broughton Firehall to the Veterans Honor Roll. We will take this day to honor all the Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. The parade will start at around 2 with the ceremony to follow.
Additionally, the VFW Post is proud to announce the new officers for 2018:
James Wabby - Commander
Danny Walbert - Sr. Vice Commander
Stanley Weaver - Jr. Vice Commander
Quartermaster - Joseph Majernik
Advocate - Jim Imbriale
Trustees - Glenn Connor, Drew Barati, Dave Charnell
Service Officer - Howard Gardner
Chaplin - Bob Patten