- Last Updated on Monday, 28 November 2016 20:26
Winter Events and announcements from the South Park Historical Society:
November Meeting
On Tuesday, November 15, the Society’s program was their annual “Show and Tell.” Many members showed various items that proved to be very interesting. The most memorable one was the time capsule from the South Park Middle School. This was placed there when the school was built in 1976.
Annual Christmas Party
The Society will hold their annual Christmas party on Tuesday, December 13 at the Library Fire Hall for Society members and their guests. Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. and dinner will be served at 7:00 p.m. The entertainment will be Mr. Jim Felix with “Sounds of Elvis.” The deadline to return RSVP is December 7. The cost is $15 for members and $20 for guests.
Society’s Winter Hiatus
Due to the typical winter weather conditions, the Society’s January and February meetings have been cancelled. Their regular meetings will resume on March 21, 2017. All Society meetings are held at the Library Fire Hall at 7 p.m. open to the public at no charge and light refreshments are served.
2017 Enjoy Book
The Enjoy Book is being sold by the Society for $30 and will be available at the Society’s meetings. In addition, anyone living in the South Park area can make arrangements for delivery of the Enjoy Book to their home by calling 412-833-8160. All sales benefit the South Park Historical Society Building Fund.
Society’s Book
Looking for that special Christmas gift? The Society’s book, “Historical Snowden Township/South Park Township,” would be just perfect. It is available for sale at the South Park Township Library for $20 (tax included). Books can also be ordered by calling 412-835-9529 or 412-655-4104. For an additional $3.25 for postage the book can be mailed to any destination.
Charitable Donations
The end of the year is approaching and people often think of making donations to their favorite charities. In doing so, the Society would like to be considered if you do. The Society is a non-profit organization which is in the process of renovating the Museum. Any donations to the Society (which are tax-deductible) would be designated for the building fund and would be very much appreciated.
For more information on the South Park Historical Society, please visit their web site at http.www.southparkhistoricalsociety.com.