- Last Updated on Friday, 29 July 2016 00:04
The Charleroi Area Historical Society cordially invites its members, friends and residents of the surrounding area to its August 15 program meeting. Clay Kilgore, curator/director of the Washington Co. Historical Society, will be the guest speaker.
Clay is a very familiar face to anyone interested in history in general and specifically the history of our wonderful Washington county and its local communities.
What is Clay's topic on August 15? That will be a surprise to everyone - but if you know anything about how well-versed he is on a so many topics of historical interest, you won't be disappointed!
All programs offered by CAHS, Inc. are free and open to the public. They are held monthly from March to November in the spacious and air-conditioned Riverside Place, 303 Chamber Plaza, Charleroi. The setting is always conducive to an informal and education opportunity for all who come. Light refreshments are part of the evening's activities. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with the program beginning at 7 p.m.
Look for direction signs at the corner of 5th and McKean Avenues (right turn) and in the Chamber Plaza (left turn). Look for the Society's welcome banner at the entrance to Riverside Place.
For questions about this program or membership in the CAHS, Inc., call 724-483-4961 (the historic Gaoziou Print Shop) or Program Coordinator Ken Thompson at 724-925-1742.