School News
- Last Updated on Saturday, 30 July 2016 14:40
The Allegheny Intermediate Unit’s non-public schools program has named Barbara Sawyer of St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin School as the recipient of the Very Important Principal Award for the 2015-16 school year.
The award recognizes a non-public school principal who serves children with exceptional professionalism and dedication, and demonstrates an exemplary level of support for the non-public schools program.
Kathleen Carnicella, supervisor of remedial services in the non-public schools program, attended the award ceremony and said that Sawyer is a great supporter of the AIU.
“Whatever decision [Sawyer] makes, it’s always the best for the children,” Carnicella said. “If she’s between decisions, that’s the path she will take. She is very respected by the staff and will go above and beyond always with the intention of doing what is best for the students.”
Teachers, counselors and speech pathologists in the non-public schools program nominate principals for the award, with a committee ultimately choosing a winner. St. Gabriel’s speech support specialist, Sakina Brunk, nominated Sawyer.
“Mrs. Sawyer leads with a firm hand but also demonstrates kindness, empathy, humor and compassion when it is needed,” Brunk said.