- Last Updated on Saturday, 28 May 2016 19:14
There’s no denying that Pittsburghers care about their community, and the same goes for Pittsburgh businesses. Giant Eagle and Kennywood Park are teaming up to ensure Pittsburgh’s hometown blood center, Central Blood Bank, has an adequate supply of blood for patients in need this summer.
Giant Eagle and Kennywood Park are committing thousands of dollars’ worth of Kennywood tickets to Central Blood Bank so that all participating donors at an upcoming blood drive will receive one free ticket to Kennywood Park.
All participating blood donors will receive one free ticket to Kennywood Park by donated on June 27 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Century III Mall, located on the first floor between FYI and Spencer’s.
To schedule a blood donation appointment for either Kennywood drive, call 866-366-6771or visit centralbloodbank.org and search by group code K0170134 for the Century III Mall location.
For more information about Central Blood Bank and how to prepare for blood donation, visit centralbloodbank.org.