- Last Updated on Friday, 29 April 2016 01:03
By Jill Brown
A volunteer breakfast - by invitation only - was held by the Monessen Center for Active Adults on April 13, 2016 at 8 a.m. at 1925 Grand Blvd. for approximately 75 dedicated and involved individuals in the community.
Miko Green, Site Manager, and Sylvia Spadafore, volunteer award honoree, pair up before the event. |
The Westmoreland County AAA Volunteer Spotlight Award for 2016 went to Sylvia Spadafore.
Site Manager Miko Green said, “We are celebrating all the volunteers who give of their time. I think it’s great timing…The month of May is Older Americans Month. Do something greater than yourselves and give.” Further, she thanked Assistant Manager Cathy Brewer, who helped organize everything for the event.
The lovely breakfast was a choice of French toast or an omlette, sausage, fruit, juices or coffee. Beanie baby stuffed animals were available “to take and give to a young person,” intended by Green. She also gave out hand-made jewelry. Nine organizations were present at the breakfast.
Green read the nomination letter by Regional Manager Lou Ann Petronick for Sylvia Spadafore to be awarded as Volunteer Spotlight winner, quoting, “She has been an active member of the Monessen Center for Active Adults for 11 years, and…helps at the Center daily in any way she can, planning events. She’s very involved in other organizations in the community, too. She actively helps the center, even recruiting consumers.”
Spadafore said, “I think it’s an honor and I’m surprised. I started out volunteering for Meals on Wheels about 15 years ago, next with the Heritage Museum; then, I came here [to the Center]. It gives me a feeling of satisfaction to help.”
Speaker Cindy Gregg, International Director of Lions Club, concluded, “As a volunteer, each of you goes that extra
Cindy Gregg, left, guest speaker at Center, presents the Volunteer Spotlight Award to Sylvia Spadafore. |
mile…Volunteers are just ordinary people with extraordinary hearts. They reach out and expect no pay. May you always be blessed.”