- Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 March 2016 14:57
Make sure to get your ticket to help support our grass roots efforts in improving Main Street in West Newton.
Downtown West Newton Inc. (DWNI) will be hosting its annual spring pork chop dinner on Saturday, April 9 from 4 – 7 p.m. The dinner will be held at Gary's Chuck Wagon, located on South Second Street in West Newton. Tickets are just $12 and are on sale at the Chuck Wagon. Dinner includes a pork chop, stuffing, sides, roll, homemade desserts and a drink. Call our office if you have any questions at 724-872-0100.
We will be holding our annual Health and Wellness Fair on Saturday, July 16. The event will take place at the West Newton Senior Center and Simeral Square. We are currently accepting applications for all health-related businesses. We also will have spaces available for vendors and farmers who are interested in selling their products during the event. Please call our office for further details and an application at 724-872-0100.
Save the date for DWNI’s 8th Annual Rocktoberfest Car Cruise on Saturday, October 1. The car cruise kicks off at 11 a.m. with trophies being handed out at 3:30 p.m. The cruise will take place at Vine Street Park in West Newton and the gym will be open for raffles and lunch. If your business would like to be a sponsor for the event, please contact our office for details and levels of sponsorship at 724-872-0100.