- Last Updated on Monday, 28 March 2016 18:50
The Donora Historical Society and Smog Museum recently released the following announcements.
Seeking Donora Veterans or Holocaust Survivors
On Friday, November 11th, Donora will be hosting this year’s Veterans Day parade that rotates annually amongst five towns. The Donora Historical Society will have a special rotating exhibit dedicated to Donora veterans during that time frame as well as a special open house that day.
As part of the Veterans Day event, we are seeking Donora veterans and Holocaust survivors (not necessarily from Donora) that may be interested in sharing their stories and experiences for additional Veterans Day programming that may take place on Saturday, November 5th and/or Saturday, November 12th at the historical society. Please contact or stop by the historical society to leave your name and story ideas.
Game Films – Charleroi Football
Amongst the many items that the Donora Historical Society has in its collection are over 80 reels of football and basketball game film of high school teams from all over the Mon Valley from 1963 to 1979. They are original 16mm films that are in the process of being converted to DVD. We are attempting to gauge interest on who might be interested in having these films converted and purchase copies either by individual player, team or fan.
The Charleroi games feature notable Charleroi players such as: Jeff Petrucci and George Carlock to name just a few. There is at least one game for the following seasons: ‘63-‘64, ‘65-‘66, ‘66-‘67, ‘67-‘68, ‘68-‘69, ‘69-‘70 and ‘70-‘71.
If you have any interest or have questions on exactly which games we have, please consult the Historical Society by voice mail or email listed below, or see the full list of football and basketball games from 1963 to 1979 on the website under the “Game Films” tab.
Additional Info
If you have additional questions about the subjects mentioned above, the society, museum, meetings or possibly volunteering, feel free to stop by, email us at DonoraHistoricalSociety@gmail.com, or by calling 724-823-0364 and leave a message. Or visit us on the web at www.DonoraHistoricalSociety.org.