- Last Updated on Sunday, 28 February 2016 04:14
Washington Composite Squadron 601 of the Civil Air Patrol is accepting membership applications for both youth ages 12-18 and adults.
The unit was founded in 2007 and its primary goal is to serve the Washington Community through volunteer service in the following areas: Cadet Leadership; Air/Ground Search and Rescue; Aerospace Education; Disaster Relief; and Drug Demand Reduction. Focus is placed on training cadets and adults with valuable skills to help their fellow man in times of need as well as bringing needed, trained personnel to emergency situations, should they happen to arise.
Interested youth, adults, and family members are encouraged to attend a weekly meeting or to visit www.pasquadron601.org for further information.
The squadron, commanded by Capt. Nancy Parker, meets every Wednesday at the Washington Flyers’ Club from 7-9 p.m. Squadron 601 is just one of 1,500-plus squadrons around the country involved in cadet programs, emergency services, and aerospace education within their communities.