- Last Updated on Friday, 29 January 2016 20:37
The Greater Monessen Historical Society is holding their annual fund drive and membership renewal. Single memberships are $15 per year with family memberships priced at $20.
A business membership is $50. Membership is based on a calendar year and includes four issues of the “Valley Historian” newsletter. Fund drive donations are used to operate the museum and plan future projects. Donations for the Building Fund go toward the renovation of the Museum Annex, which will provide additional display space and a permanent Monessen exhibit. Consider gift memberships! Show your support for the Historical Society!
Check us out on Facebook under “Greater Monessen Historical Society.” Keep abreast of events and see photos of previous ones. Also, the webpage has been updated: http://monessenhistoricalsociety.com/.
The spring exhibit at the Monessen Heritage Museum will focus on “Old Monessen.” We are searching for photos from Monessen’s early days. Objects and photographs can be loaned or donated. They can be dropped off at the Museum during regular business hours, Wednesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Consider donating a copy of your family tree to the Historical Society.