- Last Updated on Thursday, 29 October 2015 20:50
How to Improve Your Relationship Immediately
It’s very simple…...the first step is to STOP all efforts to try to improve your partner. It just doesn’t work.
Ask yourself, “In the time I have been trying to improve my partner, how much progress has my partner made?” Your response will likely be, “He/she hasn’t made any progress at all.”
Next, ask your partner, who has also been trying to change you, how much progress you’ve made. Your partner will likely answer, “No progress at all.”
Unless you have a great relationship or amazing rapport with your significant other, you will not listen to your partner’s criticism of your behaviors. Instead, you will do the opposite and resist change. As the cliché goes, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.”
Here’s an example: A woman who dearly loved her sick horse was told by the vet that she needed to keep the horse hydrated or he would perish. So, she worked diligently at keeping water available but her horse refused to drink. She increased her efforts to the point of pushing a bucket of water under her horse’s nose. The horse objected, reared up, and knocked the woman over, nearly breaking her neck. The woman then decided that she would simply leave the water out and available for the horse to drink. A few days later, the horse did drink, and survived.
Moral of the story: If you do not want your neck broken by your partner, stop trying to make him/her drink.