- Last Updated on Thursday, 29 October 2015 18:17
The Charleroi Area Historical Society invites its members and friends in the surrounding communities to its annual holiday luncheon on Monday, November 16. The luncheon will be held in the Alumni Room on the Charleroi Area High School campus.
The luncheon will be a catered meal served at noon. Following the meal, a short video on the historical Charleroi-Monessen Bridge will be shown. Special holiday music will be provided by the Charleroi Area High School’s Show Choir. Its director, Laura Piecknick, says that the 14-16 member choir is preparing many favorite songs and carols, assuring those who attend will enjoy this prelude to their holiday season.
Silent auction baskets are always part of this festive event. Proceeds benefit the ongoing work of the society.
Those who plan to attend are asked to send a check covering the number of reservations needed no later than November 9. Make your check payable to CAHS, Inc. Send checks to the Charleroi Area Historical Society, 807 Fallowfield Ave., Charleroi, PA 15022. Cost per person: $10.
For more information about the luncheon or about the society, please call 724-483-4961 (the historic Goaziou Print Shop, home of the society) or Ken Thompson, program coordinator, at 724-925-1742.
The public is cordially invited to our holiday luncheon and all other programs offered by the society March through November.