- Last Updated on Friday, 28 August 2015 16:25
Not only are we still standing, but we are looking forward to the best, and artistically, busiest year ever. Our 2015-2016 art seasons begin with our first meeting, Thursday September 3, 2015 at 12:30 p.m. The meetings will continue to be held at the Bethel Park Community Center.
The Bethel Art Guild |
The format for our meetings is the same. We start with our business meeting, which will be presided over by our newly elected president, Judy Mur, and her board of officers. That will be followed by a light lunch and that then our guest artist, speaker, and/or demonstrator.
Our guest artist for our first meeting will be Yelena Lamm. Yelena began panting as a child in Russia where she was born. Later she studied fine art at the Roerich Art College in St. Petersburg, Russia. She has been in Pittsburgh since 1995 and earned her Bachelor of Science degree in graphic design from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. Her work celebrates beauty in her use of shapes and color. She mixes curves with architectural structures or geometric shapes, giving her traditional subjects a special look. She applies her unique technique to both her work with portraits and still lifes. We are looking forward to her visit and demonstration.
Come join us at our September 3rd meeting, and consider membership in our longstanding organization. All artists and want-to-be artists are welcome. Membership offers you the benefit of exposure to wonderful and talented local artists, a place to exhibit and sell your art work, opportunities to enter art contests and juried shows, and much more.