- Last Updated on Wednesday, 29 July 2015 14:53
Rep. Rick Saccone (R-Allegheny/Washington) has arranged for a Veterans Administration (VA) veterans services officer to be stationed in the Jefferson Hills district office on the first Monday of every month, beginning Aug. 3.
The veterans service officer will be available from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to assist veterans and their family members with a variety of issues, including VA benefits, pension claims, federal original and increased compensation claims, assistance with Defense Department (DD) 214 forms, service record requests, state veterans benefits and more.
“The men and women who have honorably worn our nation’s uniform did so without ever expecting anything in return,” said Saccone. “Many of these heroes, however, do need our assistance. They often are unaware of the services available to them, and if they are aware, unsure how to navigate the complicated government bureaucracy. The veterans services officer can help veterans and their families cut through the red tape to access the benefits they rightly earned.”
This assistance will be offered free of charge and is open to residents of the 39th House District. For more information, please call Saccone’s district office at 412-653-1025.