- Last Updated on Saturday, 20 June 2015 21:35
Rostraver Historical Society met on June 11 at 6:15 p.m. at the old Fells Methodist Church in Fellsburg.
Miles Richards presented an enlightening program on the life of Mon Valley resident James Blaine, born in West Brownsville, Washington County. He was a member of the early Blaine family, who owned thousands of acres along the Monongahela River from Brownsville to Elizabeth. He married a lady from the state of Maine and got into the political field there, ending up in the House of Representatives and Senate.
The program for the July 9 meeting will be a "Show and Tell" meeting. Everyone attending is encouraged to bring to the group an artifact, story, anecdote, or experience which relates to the history of Rostraver Townshjp, regardless of the time period. No one will be required to leave their seat or stand up front. The public is welcome to attend and participate in this event.