- Last Updated on Wednesday, 17 June 2015 03:07
Every Wednesday afternoon throughout the summer, area residents are enjoying the Peters Township Farmers Market from 3 to 7 p.m. at St. David's Episcopal Church, 905 E. McMurray Road.
Organizers recently announced that customers can use credit/debit cards if they run out of cash, or EBT food stamps at the market with participating vendors. For more information, call 724-941-4060, e-mail stdavidspeterstwp@gmail.com or visit their website at www.peterstownshipfarmersmarket.org.
Chris Hoke and Al Tuttle |
Chris Hoke and Al Tuttle, of Middlebourne, WV, display their wares for the first time on June 3. The farmers and crafters specialize in homegrown fresh cut flowers, plants and herbs from their country location called "Rising Moon Farm."
PT Farmers' Market Staff |
Stepping aside from the Information Tent for a moment to get their pictures taken were PT Farmers' Market staffers Gianna Thomas, Rev. Kris McInnes, Misty Menarcheck (holding Ethan with photo-shy Scarlett in front), and volunteer Carrie Ace, a teacher at St. David's preschool.
Photos by J.R. Brower