- Last Updated on Saturday, 30 May 2015 23:07
By Michelle Taylor
The residents of Elizabeth Township and the Elizabeth Township Police Department have implemented a neighborhood crime watch starting in Greenock. Officer Blake has hosted the first of many community meetings at Greenock Elementary school on April 25th.
The neighborhood crime watch meeting was hosted by Elizabeth Township's Officer Blake |
The police department says, "Crime Watch is essentially a neighbor looking after other neighbors and calling 911 to report suspicious activity. You, as residents, are the hear t-beat of the township. The residents know what is going on, who belongs and who does not. Crime watch members are the eyes and ears of the police, and can and will help stop crime."
The police department says if anyone sees any suspicious activity or a crime in progress to call 911. They also have implemented a "Crime Line" at 412-460-7913 for current crime information. In addition to the neighborhood crime watch program, the township has also asked that if anyone goes out of town for an extended period of time, to contact the township police department to place your name and address on their crime watch list, and they will check on your home daily and notify you if anything seems suspicious.