- Last Updated on Tuesday, 28 April 2015 15:51
By Alice Harris
Members of the Fluffyean Fund for Felines held its first indoor yardsale of the season at Mariners Hall in Dunlevy on March 22, 2015 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Proceeds from household items and crafts sales benefited the organization's medical fund for felines.
Hardworking Fluffyjean Fund for Feline members Sue Powell, Faith Bjalobok, and Andrea Gonzolas, (l-r), show off some of the items that were sold to raise funds at their first indoor yard sale held in Dunlevy, PA on March 22. |
The Fluffyjean Fund for Felines, founded by Faith Bjalobok, is an all-volunteer organization offering low-cost spay and neuter programs for felines residing in Washington County, PA and committed to reducing feral cat populations.
Two packages are offered. A $45 package includes spaying/neutering, FVRCP vaccine (distemper), rabies vaccine, flea treatment, and earmite treatment.
The $65 package includes spaying or neutering of cat, leukemia/AIDS combo blood test, leukemia/distemper vaccine, rabies vaccine, flea treatment, and earmite treatment.
Appointments can be made by email at faith.b2@verizon.net or by phone at 724-941-5683 and press 1.