- Last Updated on Saturday, 28 March 2015 17:13
The members of the Elizabeth Forward Area Community Chorus invite you to our spring concert, titled 'Bandstand Boogie.'
The chorus will be performing numbers from the American Bandstand era, including some favorites from the Beatles, the Monkeys, Jersey Boys, some doo wop and many others.
The concert will be held at the Elizabeth Forward High School on May 1 and 2 at 7:30 and May 3 at 3. Ticket prices at the door are $10 for adults and $8 for seniors and students. A discount of $2 is available on each ticket purchased in advance. Please call 412-751-0526 beforehand to purchase a ticket at the reduced price, or bring this article with a canned good for the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, to the concert for the discount.
A portion of the proceeds from the concert will benefit the Food Bank. The chorus is also collecting canned goods at each concert.