- Last Updated on Saturday, 28 March 2015 14:28
By Michelle Taylor
Think about it ... you have a brand new baby, you have dreams for him, a nursery all painted and decorated, and a name that suits him perfectly. Then doctors come in and tell you your baby has congenital heart disorder. A few weeks later, you are making funeral arrangements for your newborn.
Alec James Kahler passed away from congenital heart disorder at 7 ½ weeks old. |
This is what Denise Kahler went through 7 years ago when her son, Alec James, died at 7 1/2 weeks old from congenital heart disorder (CHD). She met another mother at a support group that also shared her tragedy. Zachary Hunter Vince was only 15 days old when he passed from CHD.
Together, these two women helped to create Zachary's Mission, a program that helps families in the cardiac intensive care unit at Children's Hospital, West Penn Hospital, and The Children's Home, by providing them with basic supplies, toiletries, snacks, etc. These items go into backpacks called 'Zack Packs.'
Zachary's Mission also raised $180,000 to research CHD and to help families financially, both at Christmastime and with the payments of bills while the families spend these last precious days with their babies.
Kahler, who is an elementary school teacher at Central, a part of the Elizabeth Forward school district, has been participating in this fundraiser for the last five years and has even involved the students. Many fifth graders stayed after school this year to help pack 50 Zack Packs, which were delivered two weeks later to the Children's Hospital cardiac ICU. She plans to continue working with Zachary's Mission and other charities relating to CHD in an effort to raise awareness, money for research, and to keep the memory of her son alive.
CHD is the #1 birth defect in America. One baby in 125 births is diagnosed with CHD. If you would like to make a donation or volunteer, please visit zacharysmission.org.
Central students volunteered their time to help with the fundraiser by packing 'Zack Packs' with supplies. |