- Last Updated on Wednesday, 26 March 2025 16:14
April Meeting
The South Park Historical Society’s April meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 15, at 7:00 pm at the Library Fire Hall, located at 6581 Library Road in South Park. The program for the evening is: “Presidential Rhetoric and Visits to Western Pennsylvania”, presented by Scott P. Tkach. Meetings are open to the public at no charge. All members and guests are encouraged and welcome to attend. Light refreshments will be provided.
Annual Yard Sale Fundraiser
The Society’s Annual Yard Sale Fund Raiser will be held at the Museum, located at 6425 Pleasant Street in South Park, near the Port Authority Park and Ride parking lot on May 16th and 17th, from 9AM to 3PM. Items can be brought to the Museum on Saturday, May 10th from 12-2PM and Tuesday, May 13th from 6-8PM. This is an important fund raiser for the Society, and we encourage all members to participate, by either donating items for sale, or by visiting the sale to buy some unique treasures for a special cause.
Books For Sale
The Society has two outstanding books for sale at the South Park Township Library at a cost of $20 each. The publications: “Historic Snowden Township-South Park Township” and “History of Allegheny County’s Farm Lands to Park Lands” can be mailed anywhere in the Continental United States for an additional $5.00. If you would like to have a book(s) mailed please contact Ruth at 412-835-9529 or e-mail her at jimru@verizon.net.
For additional information about the Society, please visit their website at www.southparkhistoricalsociety.com or their Facebook page at facebook.com/southparkhistoricalsociety
The South Park Historical Society Is Welcoming New & Renewed Members! Updated cost per membership is as follows:
- Individual Membership $15
- Family Membership $25
- Student Members $5
Please make the check payable to:
South Park Historical Society
P.O. Box 555
South Park, PA 15129