- Last Updated on Thursday, 30 January 2025 20:11
Rep. Bud Cook (R-Greene/Washington) has released a statement to reiterate and renew his demands for an audit of the Washington County Local Share Account (LSA).
“Today, we are outlining three specific actions which need to be taken to finally end this nearly decade-long charade that has ruined the creditability of our county’s commissioner offices,” said Cook
“Fair and transparent government is needed to regain the trust of the people of Washington County. It is long overdue for accountability to be ensured for how projects are funded and how the funding is being spent. Commissioners spent about $30,000 on lawyers to keep grant records from being disclosed to the public under the Right-to-Know Law.
“First and foremost, a complete forensic audit of the Local Share Account must be conducted. This audit must show exactly where this money has been going. In 2021, research showed nearly $10 million unaccounted for. Allowing this to continue is fiscal and government malpractice.
“Secondly, the LSA board must adopt a policy which allows for a rotating member of the House of Representatives to sit on its board to ensure transparency to every corner of our county. Every Washington county resident deserves a say in how their money is being distributed, and the most efficient way to do that is by giving voice to a rotating state representative every few years. Washington County is home to six representatives, and currently only one has served on the LSA board.
“Third, as the 2025-26 Legislative Session is underway, I will be introducing legislation in the House to take the Local Share Account duties out of the control of the counties and put that responsibility solely in the hands of the state. The Washington County board has proven it cannot be trusted to be truthful and accountable to we the people.
“We will continue to fight for these demands until we get them. The integrity of our government should be of the utmost importance to every elected official, and we will not rest until that is the case here in Washington County.”