- Last Updated on Tuesday, 06 February 2024 13:05
A short feature film by the creative hand of society member Jim Ahrean is the featured February program for the Peters Creek Historical Society's February 26 meeting.
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The titled film: "The Decaying Gentlewoman: The Life and Times of Charlotte Sinclair" is a historically accurate biopic about a "kept" woman, ca 1800 England, who finds inspiration to pursue a career as an artist for periodicals of the day after having met a bawdy strumpet, who happens to moonlight as a bare knuckle boxer! It's a peek at women's rights in a repressive era of England and includes a rerun of a boxing match between Jim Belcher, 1800-1805 champion of England and bareknuckle boxer Jack Bartholomew, who lost to Belcher in the first fight he drew! The show begins at 7:30PM at Wrights United Methodist Church, 788 Venetia Road, Venetia. All are welcome!
The society extends a community thank you to all those who attended "Soup and Stroll" 2023. Your support helps to maintain the society's endeavors in historic preservation ofthe Enoch Wright House and log cabin. For more information on the society, the Enoch Wright House and log cabin visit: peterscreekhistoricalsociety.org.