- Last Updated on Tuesday, 25 April 2023 13:25
Peters Creek Historical Society welcomes Clay Kilgore, Executive Director of the Washington County Historical Society as its guest speaker, on Monday, May 22.
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William Renshall Smith (Beers 1893, Vol. 1) |
The program will begin at 7:30pm at Wrights United Methodist Church, 788 Venetia Road, Venetia. Topic: The President Comes to Washington. A story about Grant, Fisk, Gould and Gold. Learn about the frequent visits President Grant made to Washington, Pa to visit William Renshall Smith. Their friendship began when Smith was a volunteer aid-de-camp on Grant's staff during the civil war and grew in visits with Smith, to include his wedding in June 1867. The public is welcomed to attend.
Check out peterscreekhistoricalsociety.org for additional information on the society, it's headquarters, the historic Enoch Wright House, Museum of Westward and Expansion and log house.
If you have questions, or need additional information, please visit our Facebook event page at “3rd Annual Dale T. Provins Jr., Memorial Blood Drive” or you can email mariahcprovins@gmail.com. We are also accepting donations for the bake sale and Chinese auction.
When asked of his greatest achievements on the Board, Harhai said, “It is two-fold. For students, it was developing and leading a safe and responsible in-person commencement ceremony for the class of 2020 at the onset of the pandemic. For employees and taxpayers, it has been bringing a consistent, rational, and level-headed perspective to each Board interaction. My voting, conduct, and actions over the past four years speak for themselves. Were there decisions that were unpopular at times? Yes, but I’ve tried to make reasonable decisions that take into consideration the best interests of all stakeholders.”
Harhai, a registered Republican, has cross-filed on the Democrat and Republican ballots for the May 16 primary election.