- Last Updated on Tuesday, 16 July 2019 18:03
Parade, Fireworks, Concerts, Time Capsule, 5K Run, Food Vendors, Games - Just Some of the Activities on Tap as Part of Four Day Long Celebration
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For additional information, updates, and a complete schedule of events and activities for the Monongahela 250th Anniversary Celebration, please visit the website www.MonCity250.org or their Facebook Page (Monongahela Area 250th). Additional updates and information will be available in the August 2019 issue of the Messenger newspaper.
You can also download a schedule of events and activities at: https://www.messengerpaper.com/index.php/downloads3?task=document.viewdoc&id=69
‘On Your MARC’ 5K Run/Walk to be Held August 10
The Monongahela Area Revitalization Corporation (MARC) is hosting the ‘On your MARC’ 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, August 10. This year's event is part of the 250th Anniversary activities associated with the founding of Monongahela and the 70th anniversary of the opening of Cox Market, our primary sponsor the past few years.
This is a 5K Run/Walk through the streets of Monongahela and New Eagle. The Race begins at 8:00 AM with check-in at 7:00 AM. The race starts at the Monongahela Aquatorium on the river's edge, go through the Business District and into the residential areas of Mon City and New Eagle, finishing back at the Aquatorium. There is a $20 registration fee. Register online at https://runsignup.com/Race/PA/Monongahela/OnYourMARC250th5KRunWalk. Registration ends August 7, 2019 at 11:59PM. For questions or additional information, call 724-258-8118.
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Marching Down Main Street – Monongahela VJ Day parade - August 1945 |
Marching Bands and Dance Groups Needed for Mon 250 Parade
The ‘Grand 250 Parade’ will be held on Saturday, August 10 at 11:00 a.m. on West Main Street, Monongahela. Chris Bartkus, Parade Chairperson, is seeking marching bands, dance groups and others wanting to be in the parade. Prizes will be awarded. If interested, please contact Chris at cjbartkus@yahoo.com.
Ringgold Rams Past and Present Invited to be Part of Anniversary Parade
Did you play for the Ringgold Rams? Whether you played football, basketball, baseball, tennis, track, volleyball, soccer, wrestling or ANY other sport for the blue and gold – you are invited to walk in the 250th Monongahela Anniversary parade on Saturday, August 10. All Ringgold High School student athletes from 1970 – present are being asked to meet at Chess Park in Monongahela between 8:30 AM – 9:00 AM. There you will meet with past and present Ringgold coaches: Ravasio, Pergola, Veliky, Fredrick, Rue, Molisee, Henson, and Kendra. This will be a most memorable event and parade for all Ringgold student athletes!
Old Ringgold Yearbooks Needed
Any Ringgold School District person or family member that would like to donate any yearbooks (especially from 1970 – 2019) to help gather information for Monongahela’s 250th anniversary celebration should contact Joe Ravasio at 412-302-1248, or Phil Pergola 724-258-8081. The yearbooks would then be donated to the local libraries if the family does not want them to be returned.
Monongahela High School Class of 1969 to Hold 50 Year Reunion
The 50 year reunion of the Monongahela High School Wildcats class of 1969 will be held at the Monongahela Country Club on Friday, August 9, 2019 at 6:00 PM. The cost for reservations is $65 per classmate. Chuck Ott will be the DJ for festivities after dinner. The attire for the event is casual. Please contact Stella (David) Withrow, JDWST18@Lycos.com for details and to make your reservation.
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Cookie Table |
Guinness World’s Record Attempt for Largest Wedding Cookie Table
Cookie Bakers and Couples Needed!
On Sunday, August 11, 2019, in conjunction with the Monongahela 250th Anniversary Celebration, an attempt will be made to set a new Guinness World Record for the ‘World’s Largest Wedding Cookie Table.’ The attempt will take place at Chess Park in Monongahela.
The Guinness record is being established based on two measurables - number of cookies and number of weddings. We are actively seeking bakers and couples to participate in this event. The schedule for this event is as follows:
- Cookie Drop-Off and Affidavit Signatures, 11 a.m. -- 1:30 p.m.
- Cookie Competitions 1:00 - 1:50 p.m.
- Cookie Table Set-Up, Completed by 1:30 p.m.
- Weddings, 2:00 p.m.
- Guinness Announcement, 2:45 p.m.
- Cookie Exchanges, Give-aways, etc. only after Guinness Announcement
Watch for cookie/decoration drop-off, parking and shuttle details
- We provide: Tables and white linens
- You provide: Cookie trays, decorations; tooling/plastic to cover cookies
The entry forms are available at: www.theweddingcookietable.com. Additional information can be obtained on the Monongahela Area 250th Facebook page, or on the website www.MonCity250.org.
If severe weather is predicted, an announcement will be posted on Saturday by 6:00 p.m., and the event will be moved indoors. If the location is not changed on Saturday, the event will go on outside, rain or shine at Chess Park.
Longwell House |
Monongahela Area Historical Society and Time Capsule Display
The Monongahela Area Historical Society will welcome visitors at the Longwell House, 711 West Main Street. Guests may pick up visitor information and get a first-hand look at the newly acquired home that is about to undergo renovation. The Longwell House is one of four properties in Monongahela listed on the National Register.
The time capsule that was buried in 1969 will be opened to kick-off festivities on Thursday, August 8 at 11 a.m. in Chess Park. DeVore Hardware will take charge of opening the time capsule. Items will be on display at the Longwell House after 3 p.m. on Thursday, August 8.
226 Whiskey Rebellion ‘Farmer’ Re-Enactors Needed
Grab A Straw Hat, Overalls, Coveralls, Denim Jeans, or Western Wear
The Whiskey Rebellion ended right here in Monongahela with a speech made by Albert Gallatin. As part of the Monongahela 250th Anniversary Celebration, there will be an Albert Gallatin re-enactor coming in from Virginia, and we would like to re-create the ending of the Whiskey Rebellion. We are looking for 226 men to dress up as the ‘farmers’ who assembled at Whiskey Point. These participants will march in the parade, and then assemble at Whiskey Point on Main Street to re-create the ending of the Whiskey Rebellion. Any one is eligible to participate if they dress up as a farmer and march in the parade.
This is a great opportunity for various local men’s groups, sports teams, and other organizations looking for a fun way to participate in the Monongahela 250th celebration. Anyone who is interested in participating in this re-enactment, please e-mail Albert.Gallatin15063@gmail.com to get more details or visit the Monongahela Area 250 Facebook page.
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This photo from the Monongahela 1908 Homecoming shows American Flag and patriotic bunting on a downtown building |
Show Your Hometown Pride (and Win a Prize) With Patriotic Decorating Contest
The Monongahela Area 250th Anniversary Committee is holding a Patriotic Decorations Contest that is open to all businesses and homes in Monongahela. There will be prizes awarded in the following categories:
- )Best Overall on Main Street (Monongahela /New Eagle).
- )Best Business/Commercial Building
- )Best Residence
- )Best Use of Patriotic Bunting
- )Best Student Artwork on Business Window (students K-12 and college-age.)
Judging will occur on or after July 26, 2019. Please post photos of your residence or business on the Monongahela Area 250th Facebook page. Help out by posting photos of your favorite decorated homes and businesses even if it's not your own entry…. as some people may not use Facebook. A panel of judges will make the final selections.