- Last Updated on Saturday, 28 April 2018 23:08
Due to the generosity of the Ciccarelli family, the Edward V. Monaghan Charitable Youth Foundation 501(c)3 was able to make a donation to the math department at Monessen High School in memory of the late Paul Ciccarelli, a former math teacher at MHS.
Ciccarelli Family Members |
The funds will be used to purchase scientific calculators. All four children of Ciccarelli were there for the presentation of the check in honor of their dad.
Photo at right: Pictured are front row (l to r): Marla Sacco, Barry Ciccarelli, Paula Wampler and Darla Rivi; middle row (l-r): Virginia Monaghan, wife and Board member; back row (l to r): Joseph Dalfonso, Monaghan's cousin and Board member; Melanie Monaghan Bradburn, daughter and Board member; Eric Manko, MHS principal; Anthony Mauro, MHS student who scored 790 on the math portion of the SAT (1500 combined); Mariea Tokar, MHS math teacher; and Rob Nemec, MHS math teacher.