- Last Updated on Sunday, 29 October 2017 18:07
After welcoming those in attendance at it October 16 program meeting, Ken Thompson, president and vice president/chairman of the program committee, introduced the evening’s guest speaker, Jon Day.
Jon is the President of the Washington County chapter of the National Duncan Glass Society. Before he described a display of more than 50 pieces of glassware, Day gave a brief history of what led to the formation of the National Duncan Glass Society. Following the story of the history of Duncan Glassware, Day spent the rest of the time giving a detailed explanation of how glassware was produced and the gradual changes in the methods used, such as hand-blown versus molds; etching or engraving; coloring the glass by adding chemicals or “staining” the glass.
After thanking Day for his fine program, Ken Thompson reminded everyone about the year-end holiday luncheon to be held at Cotramano’s Italian Eatery (411 Fallowfield Ave.) at 1 p.m. on November 21.
The Board of Directors will continue to meet during the months of December through February, making plans for its 2018 program meetings, which are held on the third Monday of the month, March through October. These programs are held in Riverside Place, 303 Chamber Plaza, in the SPHS building. New members are always welcome, along with their ideas for program topics. Check out the Society on Facebook!