- Last Updated on Friday, 30 June 2017 00:57
Downtown West Newton Inc. (DWN) would like to announce our dates for this year’s 2nd Annual Brew and Food Fest, which will take place on Saturday, September 30, and our Rocktoberfest Car and Bike Cruise, which will take place on Saturday, October 7. If you are interested in setting up as a vendor or crafter for either one of these events, please contact us for more information.
Brett Nelson, 6, volunteers to help with planting along Main Street in West Newton. |
It's warm out now, but it’s only 6 months until Christmas, and Downtown West Newton Inc. would like to introduce its theme for this year’s Annual Miracle on Main Street - Light-up Night Festival. This year’s theme will be "A Teddy Bear's Christmas" and will be held on Saturday, November 25 from 3 to 8:30 p.m. We are currently accepting applications for crafters, vendors, and food vendors. Spaces are filling up, so contact us as soon as possible at 724-872-0100 or by visiting our website at DWNI.org.
Lastly we would like to thank all the volunteers who came out to help with our summer planting at Simeral Square and along Main Street. If you would like to volunteer for any of our upcoming projects, please give our office a call.