- Last Updated on Wednesday, 26 April 2017 17:38
The following announcements were made by the South Park Historical Society.
April Meeting
On Tuesday, April 18, the Society’s program was “US Brig Niagara” with speaker Edd Hale. He gave a detailed history from when it was built in 1813 to where it is today. It was an outstanding presentation which was enjoyed by all present. We look forward to having him return to speak at future programs.
May Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 16 at 7 p.m. at the Library Fire Hall. The scheduled program is “Voices From the Attic – The Williamstown Boys in the Civil War” with speaker Charleton Young. All Society meetings are open to the public at no charge and light refreshments are served.
Society’s Book
The Society’s book, “Historical Snowden Township/South Park Township,” is available for sale at the South Park Township Library for $20 (tax included). Books can also be ordered by calling 412-835-9529 or 412-655-4104. For an additional $3.25 for postage, the book can be mailed to any destination.
Yard Sale
The Society is planning to participate in a community yard sale during the month of July. A definite date has not been set for this event. We would appreciate it very much if, when doing spring cleaning, if you have household items that you no longer need or want, please consider donating them for our sale by calling 412-655-4104. All proceeds will benefit the Museum Building Fund.
For more information, visit the Society's website at http.www.southparhistoricalsociety.