- Last Updated on Wednesday, 26 April 2017 02:25
Program Coordinator President Ken Thompson welcomed those present and prayed for the new year's meeting, including the evening's speaker Scott Higinbotham, Show Chair of the National Pike Steam, Gas and Horse Association.
After the Pledge of Allegiance, all joined in the singing of "Happy Birthday, Charleroi" which is an annual observance at the March meeting. Charleroi is in its 127th year!
As members and friend of the society enjoyed birthday cake and other light refreshments,
Ken Thompson shared information about upcoming monthly program speakers, encouraged members to pick up the Society's newsletter, and reminded them that 2017 dues are needed ASAP.
Scott Higinbotham was then introduced and proceeded to share information about the history and current happenings of the National Pike Steam, Gas and Horse Association. After being given a five- year trial period, the Association met the test and is in its 37th year! Over the years, it has expanded from a 5-acre to a 100-acre park on a beautiful hill above Rt. 40 in Brownsville. It holds two shows at the park each year, in May and August. Scott stressed that the shows are very family-friendly. Admission is free in May and a nominal fee in August.
This year's shows will highlight "Everything International" and "Gravley." Higinbotham explained that both of these companies have many more products than most people realize. Higinbotham or the Association can be contacted at 724-785-6855 or visit their website: www.nationalpike.com.
Brochures about 2017 shows and other information are available at the historic (non-operational) Goaziou Print Shop, 807 Fallowfield Ave., headquarters of CAHS, Inc.