- Last Updated on Thursday, 30 March 2017 00:45
The South Park Historical Society made the following announcements.
March Meeting
On Tuesday, March 21, the Society’ program was “Eldora Trolley Park” with speaker Leonard Marraccini. It was an interesting, enjoyable and outstanding presentation. We thank him for all the extensive research he has done and the many wonderful programs he has presnted to our group.
April Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 18 at 7 p.m. at the Library Fire Hall. The scheduled program is “US Brig Niagara” with speaker Edd Hale. All Society meetings are open to the public at no charge and light refreshments are served.
Museum Addition
The Society received a $100,000 grant from the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County, which was strictly for construction and would be paid only to the contractor for his services. The Society has had significant costs that were not included in the grant. Funds expended from the Society’s treasury were for architects’ and engineer’ fees, bid publication cost and many other project related expenses which were a tremendous burden.
It is important that we continue to have fundraisers that benefit the building fund. We appreciate our members and the community for their continued support of our fundraisers.
The construction on the addition to the museum started in late December. As the construction of the museum nears its completion, the Society is grateful to all who participated in the project. The Society is especially proud of the board members and the building committee for their many hours of meetings, tremendous paperwork, extensive decisions and problem resolutions. It is anticipated that the museum will re-open in late spring or early summer. The Society also plans an official grand opening celebration.
For more information on the Society¸ please visit their web site at http.www.southparkhistoricalsociety.com.