- Last Updated on Wednesday, 29 March 2017 20:02
The Donora Historical Society relaeased the following shedule of events.
Women’s History Month
In honor of Women’s History Month in March, the Donora Historical Society’s rotating exhibit features an exhibit on the women who helped shape Donora’s early years. Photographs are displayed depicting women’s social groups, and those who worked as skilled laborers in the steel mill during World War II. Other artifacts and mementos are also part of the exhibit which will be on display until summer.
As part of our most recent grant project, another portion of our Bruce Dreisbach glass plate negative and photograph collection were developed that featured women in general, women in hats, and children from between 1910 and 1930. Look for future presentations that will show these newly developed photos and the stories behind them.
Next Cement City Walking Tour Date Set
This year marks the centennial of Thomas A. Edison’s Historic District in Donora since Cement City was built in 1917. The first in a series of our seventh annual Cement City Home and Walking Tours will be scheduled for Sunday, April 23 at 1 p.m. The cost of the tour is $12/person and the tour lasts approximately 2.5 hours; space is limited. Please call or email to RSVP. If you have any questions about Cement City or one of our home and walking tours, please consult our website and click the “Cement City” tab, or contact the historical society.
Another tour will be scheduled in October if you can’t make the April tour, and it is encouraged to call or email to get your name added to a waiting list to get contacted when a date has been scheduled.
Return to Glory – Donora Dragons
Due to the excitement generated from our ongoing game film project, the Croatian Club in Donora was chosen as the venue to hold our first “Game Film Get-Together” – a reunion of sorts, to show and relive Donora Dragon football games from the 1960s with former coaches, players, cheerleaders, band members and fans – a Return to Glory.
Subject to change, the date is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, September 23, 2017 in the afternoon at a time to be decided. The games will be shown in the club hall with food and drinks available for purchase. We encourage audience participation with sharing their stories or memorabilia as we show portions of various games. We also encourage your ideas before September to make the day extra special by contacting us beforehand.
While most of the films that have been converted show mostly game footage, there are games that show brief as well as extended footage of cheerleaders, majorettes, band members and parents during senior night. The games that contain that content is noted on our website.
If you have any questions on exactly which games we have and which have been converted, please consult the Historical Society by voicemail or email (see below), or see the full list of games on our website under the “Game Films” tab.
T-Shirt Liquidation
In anticipation of some new T-shirt designs, we are liquidating our older “Dragons through the Years” design for $5 per T-shirt. The T-shirts, along with other Donora mementos, are on sale at both the Smog Museum and Donora Public Library. Get the T-shirts while they last. The sweatshirts are already SOLD OUT.
Going forward, we already solicited the help of some younger Donora volunteer artists to help with newer designs. We anticipate gauging the public’s interest with the final designs through a Facebook campaign to see what people like and hope to have the newer T-shirts printed by the end of the year.
Additional Info
If you have additional questions about the subjects mentioned above, the society, museum, meetings or possibly volunteering, feel free to stop by on Saturdays or by special appointment (with at least 72 hours’ notice), email us at DonoraHistoricalSociety@gmail.com, call us at 724-823-0364 and leave a message, visit us on the web at www.DonoraHistoricalSociety.org, or follow us and like us on Facebook at “Donora Historical Society and Smog Museum.”