- Last Updated on Wednesday, 01 March 2017 02:51
The Allegheny Watershed Alliance (AWA), in partnership with the Allegheny County Conservation District (ACCD), has been awarded a $90,000 DCNR Riparian Forest Buffer Grant. The purpose of this grant is to fulfill the Commonwealth’s goal of planting 25,000 acres of streamside buffers by 2025.
Streamside buffers, or the strip of vegetation that runs alongside a stream, are essential for stabilizing stream banks, slowing runoff, improving water quality, aiding in flood control, providing shade to cool stream temperatures for trout, and adding value to properties.
The AWA will be administering the grant to groups in five select watersheds around Allegheny county: Montour Run, Peters Creek, Plum Creek, Turtle Creek, and Streets Run. These watersheds were chosen due to the presence of an active watershed group and/or strong intermunicipal cooperation. Two acres of land in each watershed will be planted with native trees and shrubs provided by Tree Pittsburgh.
This grant will enable citizen groups and municipalities to work together to meet the challenge of reducing stormwater impacts, improving water quality for both people and animals, and enhancing the beauty of our region.
For more information about this project, visit awapa.org or contact Rebecca Zeyzus at 412-291-8006 or rebecca@awapa.org.