- Last Updated on Monday, 28 November 2016 19:56
The Friends of South Park will be holding their 3rd annual Light Up Night for the community on Friday, December 2, 2016 at the Gazebo on Maple Spring Drive at 6 p.m.
Santa will arrive at 6:30 p.m. The Community House across the street from the gazebo will be made available for the community for refreshments, basket raffles, 50/50 and, of course, the arrival of Santa!
Music will be provided by the South Park Middle School under the direction of Ms. Kendra Orcutt and Mrs. Lindsay Faini. Thanks to Mrs. Christine Liekar, Assistant Principal at the middle school, for her assistance.
Our guest reverend will be Reverend Joseph Stump from the Lincoln Place Church of the Nazarene, who will shine the light on the Christmas Spirit. County Council officials, state representatives, Boy Scout Troop #510, and the South Park and Bethel Park Girl Scouts will be there to present the colors, assist Santa, and join in the festivities.
This is a free family event! There will be a basket raffle and a 50/50 at the Community House after Santa delivers his treat bags. Basket raffle tickets are 3/$5, 7/$10, or 30/$20, and 50/50 tickets are $1 per ticket.
Also, please bring an ornament of your choice to decorate our two trees! We will also be collecting canned goods for the South Park Meals on Wheels that night. If you cannot attend and would like to donate a canned good, place it on the porch at the Community House on Maple Springs Drive before 6 p.m. and we will make sure that it will be delivered to the Grace Lutheran Church.
Please contact Madam Chairperson Sharon Adams if you have any questions at Sadams6528@verizon.net.