- Last Updated on Saturday, 01 October 2016 16:41
The Peters Creek Historical Society welcomes Mr. Keith Bastianni as their guest speaker on Monday evening, October 24th at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Bastianni is a resident of Bethel Park, a member of the South Park Historical Society, an archeologist with Michael Baker International as well as an artist with a number of hobbies and interests. His varied hobbies include interest in UFO investigations and the paranormal.
The program to be presented, titled “Strange Tales For An Autumn Evening: A Martian Odyssey,” will give an overview of planet Mars in mythology and popular culture with a discussion of some of the mysteries surrounding the red planet. It is sure to invite intrigue during the season of Halloween.
The meeting is held in the social room of Wrights United Methodist Church, 788Venetia Road,Venetia, PA. The public is welcome.