- Last Updated on Monday, 29 August 2016 13:27
The Greater monessen Historical society recently announced the following events.
Roaring Twenties Fundraiser Dinner
To commemorate the 95th anniversary of Monessen changing from a borough to a city in 1921, the Historical Society will hold a Roaring Twenties fundraiser dinner on Saturday, September 17, 2016. The dinner will be held in Jozwiak Hall in the St. Vincent De Paul Society building on Grand Boulevard. Tickets are $30 each. The meal will consist of dinner favorites popular in the Roaring Twenties, such as antipasto salad, scalloped potatoes, green beans, roast beef, Chicken Romano and dessert. A speakeasy bar will furnish refreshments. Hear the hits of the Twenties and dance the Charleston.
Guests are encouraged to dress in period clothing reminiscent of the Twenties. Only a limited amount of tickets will be sold! Stop at the Museum today or call 724-684-8460.
Monessen Founders Weekend
The following are a list of individuals, businesses and organizations that stepped forward and provided sponsorship of our recent Monessen Founders Weekend at Monessen City Park. Please let them know that you too appreciate their teaming with GMHS to support a great event.
William Henry Donner Benefactors: Dr. Martin and Madeline Dudas
East Side Land Company Pioneer: Janet Imbrescia
Greyhound League: Adelene “Lena” Alvarez
Black and White Society:
Douglas Education Center
Andy Dzurinko, CLU
Valley 1st Community Federal Credit Union
Mon-Valley Health Resources, Inc.
PA Rep. R. Ted Harhai
US Congressman Bill Shuster
George Christy
General Joseph Yakovac, Ret.
Great Dane Realty Inc.
Abbott Chiropractic
Monessen Knights of Columbus #954
Frank’s Service Garage Inc.
Highway Appliance
St. Vincent DePaul Society
First Catholic Slovak Ladies Assoc.
Wm. Hans Contracting
Michael Mermigas, DMD
Dalfonso Billick Funeral Home
Joseph Nursery & Landscaping
The Historical Society extends their thanks to the Pennsylvania National Guard unit in Greensburg for bringing their rock climbing wall and to Christian W. Klay Winery & Plum Run Winery, Inc. for providing a sampling of their wines. Also, thanks to Ripepi Winery & Vineyard for their donation to the raffle.
Autumn Exhibit Features Roman Catholic Churches
The autumn exhibit at the Heritage Museum will focus on the five former ethnic Roman Catholic churches of the city, which were consolidated together to form the Epiphany of the Lord Church 25 years ago. Monessen’s Catholic heritage goes back to 1900 with the founding of St. Leonard’s Church, which was built to serve the Irish Catholic population of the new borough. The other churches were: Most Holy Name of Jesus (Slovak), St. Cajetan (Italian), St. Hyacinth (Polish) and St. Anthony (Croatian). If anyone has photos of church events and parishioners or items from the former churches, please bring them to the Museum during regular business hours or send scans to: monessen@verizon.net.
Mon Valley Genealogy Forum
GMHS co-sponsors the Mon Valley Genealogy Forum along with Monessen Public Library & Cultural Center each month. The group meets at 5:30 p.m. on the third Monday of each month at the Library. New members are welcome. The meetings are free and cover new research sites and genealogy in the news, as well as group discussion on family trees.
Keep Updated!
Check us out on Facebook under “Greater Monessen Historical Society”. Keep abreast of events and see photos of previous ones. Also, the website has been updated: http://monessenhistoricalsociety.com/