- Last Updated on Sunday, 28 August 2016 17:43
The Rostraver Woman’s Club took the summer off from meeting and will start meeting again every Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the Fells Methodist Church in Rostraver.
Melanie Patterson (left) sponsored Darla Caley and Diane Shreve at the June 1, 2016 installation banquet. |
The September 7, 2016 meeting is open to anyone interested in joining this small group of women who do community work. Membership is open year-round and the Rostraver Woman’s Club is happy to announce two new members installed over the summer. Darla Caley and Diane Shreve were sponsored by Melanie Patterson and installed in to the Club by Judy Yoskosky on June 1, 2016.
Also at the June 1st banquet, the new executive board was installed: President - Barbara Mollenauer , Vice president - Beata Herold, Second vice president - Tamira Spedaliere, Secretary - Alice Bialon and Treasurer - Marie Pirilla.
The executive board has been busy planning for the upcoming year and will share the scheduled programs with members and guest at the September 7 meeting. In addition, at the September 7 meeting, the Club will see the annual quilt donated by Gilmore Auction Galleries to be raffled off at the October 5, 2016 meeting.
If you are interested in joining Rostraver Woman’s Club or would like to purchase a quilt raffle ticket, please contact a member of the Rostraver Woman’s Club or attend the September 7 meeting.
Pictured (l-r) are: President Barbara Mollenauer, Second vice president Tamira Spedaliere, Secretary Alice Bialon, Treasurer Marie Pirilla being installed by Judy Yoskosky. Missing from the photo is Vice president Beata Herold. |