- Last Updated on Friday, 29 July 2016 00:54
The Rotary Club of Charleroi held a “Beach Bash” at Casey’s Paint and Sip. The event which was held in place of the regular meeting on June 29, featured margaritas, snacks, and members wearing appropriate beach attire.
Guests partied as the movie “Jaws” played in the background. At the conclusion of the festivities, the movie and an inflatable shark were awarded as a door prize. A gift certificate from the River House was also given as a door prize. Proceeds from the Money Wall were divided between a guest and the club. The guest kindly donated part of the winnings back to the club. The money raised from the Beach Bash will help to fund community and educational projects in which the Charleroi Rotary club participates.
In other news:
President Mike Rupert informed the members that 300 place mats were printed and distributed to My Girls in Charleroi and Lenzi’s in Monongahela. Through ads and donations, the club raised nearly $500, which helps fund community projects.
DGE Steve Arnowitz announced that the club will initiate a new fundraiser this fall. It will be football-themed and it will help to fund club projects, including many of the educational projects that benefit students in the Charleroi Area School District.
President Mike expressed his thanks to the members for their assistance and support of projects during his year of service and encouraged everyone to keep supporting the club as it moves forward to the 2016-2017 club year. On July 1, 2016, the club welcomed Donna Ramusivich as president. Donna is a senior vice president at Monongahela Valley Hospital and is well-known throughout the area for her community service.
Donna announced that DG Pam Moore is scheduling some district-wide events, including Strike Out For Hunger on August 28, and a fundraiser in honor of the Rotary Foundation’s 100th anniversary. Details will be available as the event plans are put in place.
The Charleroi Rotary Club meets each Wednesday at 12:05 p.m. in the Back Porch Restaurant’s Side Door Lounge in Lower Speers. For membership or program information, please contact club secretary John Helfenstein at 724-494-3195.