- Last Updated on Thursday, 28 July 2016 23:47
The Gaydos-Behanna Kennel, 430 N. State Street, Clairton, will be holding a spay and neuter clinic for cats only on August 20, September 24, and and October 22, 2016. The kennel can be reached at 412-720-9477.
All cats get an injection for pain, an antibiotic injection, flea treatment, and ear mite treatment (if needed) at no additional cost with spay/neuter surgery. Rabies vaccination is mandatory, in the state of Pennsylvania, for cats over 3 months of age. We will administer a rabies vaccine, free of charge, to all eligible cats (including underage community cats) unless a certificate is shown during check-in. Rabies certificates will be issued if cats are verified to be 12 weeks of age or older. Costs and services provided are as follows:
• Neuter - $35
• Spay - $50
• Profender Worm Medication - $15
• Feline Leukemia/Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) Test - $25
• Feline Leukemia Vaccination - $12
• Feline Distemper Vaccination (FVRCP) - $10
• Micro Chip - $25
• Rabies - $15
• Handling Fee - $5 per animal
• * Prices subject to change
To register, please email pyclinica’yahoo.com. Please include your name, address, phone number and list of services requested. Conformation emails are sent the week before the clinic. For clinic updates please follow Gaydos-Behanna Kennel on Facebook.