Local People
- Last Updated on Thursday, 31 August 2017 15:08
Boy Scout Troop # 4 held an Eagle Court ceremony at St. Louise de Marillac Church in Upper St. Clair on Sunday, August 6th. Three Scouts received the rank of Eagle Scout at the service which was attended by family and friends.
Pictured (from left) are: Gene Eckman, representing the Elks, the three new Eagle Scouts - John Martin, Kevin Martin, Casey Lentz and Tom O'Brien, Scoutmaster of troop # 4. |
Attaining the rank of Eagle Scout were John Martin, Kevin Martin, and Casey Lentz. The new Eagle Scouts were presented award certificates, personal U.S. flags, and a personal Elks/Scouts pin by the local South Hills Elks Lodge # 2213.
Every potential Eagle Scout must complete a special community service project as the last hurdle to his attaining this highest scout ranking. Casey Lentz's project consisted of refurbishing the front porch of the local American Legion building in Bethel Park which included concrete work, pressure-washing, purchasing new vinyl railing and some landscape work.
John Martin's project consisted of collecting, cleaning, repairing, and packaging medical mobility equipment for shipment by Brother's Brother Foundation to third world countries in need.
Kevin Martin's project consisted of organizing and funding, sorting and packaging, and shipping gently used clothing to Tres Islas Orphanages.
As a sideline to this story, the Martin brothers, now have a total of five Eagle Scouts, including their father, in their immediate family!